Less is more

R. Alayón, A. Canalda, R. Albertini, J.M. De Gomar, N. Moro
2022 European psychiatry  
Introduction Very few research about atrioventricular blocks (AVB) and use of antipsychotic drugs has been made, although it may play an important role in the outcome of any patient affected by psychosis and AVB. Objectives To describe a case and review clinical data about AVB progression and neuroleptic treatment. Methods We describe a 37 years old inmate male patient who suffered from a first degree AVB and Schizophrenia, being long term treated with neuroleptics (risperidone 9mg/day,
more » ... to paliperidone 9mg/day). Our patient presented very mild symptoms of asthenia and dizziness. An EKG was performed, showing AVB progression to Mobitz Type I1. No structural pathology was assessed by ecocardiography. Holter EKG showed also episodes of third degree AV block. Electrophysiology studies were performed showing a supra-hisian AV Block. Results Lower doses of Paliperidone were used (6mg) and maintened until nowadays. Control EKG showed regression to a known first degree AVB. Being asymptomatic and studies revealing a supra-hisian AVB, no pacemaker was needed. Conclusions There is only a few cases described in scientific literature, and very limited data about AVB and neuroleptic drugs, although it is described as possible side effect using risperidone at higher doses. We suggest monitoring EKG to patients affected by AVB, using high doses of neuroleptic drugs. There is no data available about paliperidone metabolites and a possible progression of AVB. We suggest more studies are needed to better understand and prevent side effects of neuroleptic drugs. Disclosure No significant relationships.
doi:10.1192/j.eurpsy.2022.1189 fatcat:itunwim7kfe6nbmgwzg4f7ob34