往復運動機能によるシングルNi-Tiロータリーファイルの根管切削評価 ―WaveOneとReciprocの切削特性―
Evaluation of Single Ni-Ti Rotary File on Canal Shaping

2013 The Japanese Journal of Conservative Dentistry  
Purpose: WaveOne and Reciproc nickel-titanium (Ni-11) systems are designed specifically for preparing the root canal to an adequate size and for tapering with only one file under reciprocating motion, This study evaluated the shaping ability of WbveOne and Reciproc in comparison with ProllleLpe4 with regard to the working time and postpreparation canal in simulated curved canals. Methods: Sixty simulated resin block canals with angle of curvature of 300 were divided according to the Ni-Ti
more » ... system used for canal preparation into 4 groups of 15 samples each: WaveOne Small, WhveOne PrimarM Reciproc R25, and PreTlaper group, The preparation working tirne was recorded, and all canals were scanned by using an OIympus SZX16 and digital camera DP71 system before and aiter instrumentation to evaluate canal transportation at 1, 2, 3, and 5 rnm from the apex. The significance level was set at pO.05) , Conclusions: The WtiveOne and Reciproc Ni-1li systems can be safely and quickly used to the fu11 working Iength, resulting in satisfactory preservation of the original canal shape.
doi:10.11471/shikahozon.56.610 fatcat:jg5uocz6k5eozexrfmryoyp5o4