¿Qué tan autónoma es la autonomía de la voluntad? Consideraciones a partir de algunas sentencias del tribunal constitucional peruano

Ronald Cárdenas Krenz, Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón Departamento de Ciencias Jurídicas, Facultad de Derecho Lima, Perú
2022 Persona y Familia  
The article deals with the autonomy of the will, analyzing its nature and limits, based on the review of some sentences of the Peruvian Constitutional Court on the subject of freedom, raising the need to promote a culture of freedom hand in hand of a culture of responsibility, as an ethical and bioethical response to fundamental debates of our time.
doi:10.33539/peryfa.2022.n11v2.2696 fatcat:ozrhwaieancv7hiajky6wf2amq