Conflict Resolution Using Weighted Rules in HFST-TWOLC

Miikka Silfverberg, Krister Lindén
2009 Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics  
In this article we demonstrate a novel way to resolve conflicts in two-level grammars by weighting the rules. The rules are transformed into probabilistic constraints, which are allowed to compete with each other. We demonstrate a method to automatically assign weights to the rules. It acts in a similar way as traditional conflict resolution, except that traditionally unresolvable left-arrow rule conflicts do not cause lexical forms to be filtered out. The two-level lexicon and probabilistic
more » ... level grammar are combined using the new transducer operation weighted intersecting composition. The result is a weighted lexical transducer. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time probabilistic rules have been used to solve two-level rule conflicts. The possible applications of probabilistic lexical transducers range from debugging flawed two-level grammars to computer-assisted language learning. We test our method using a twolevel lexicon and grammar compiled with the open source tools HFST-LEXC and HFST-TWOLC.
dblp:conf/nodalida/SilfverbergL09 fatcat:mgso5luogjc43jweo7seby67gu