The impact of video series to teach English pronunciation to Spanish speakers living in United States

Anyi Carolina Garcia Torres, Astrid Ramírez Valencia
2022 Revista Boletín Redipe  
This article analyzes the situation of Spanishspeaking immigrants in the United States, studying the implications of their low level of English incidence in their labor, social and integration conditions within the communities, the analysis is framed in the presentation of some realities suffered by this type of settlers for not having the command of the language. As an alternative, it is proposed to use YouTube videos to improve their pronunciation, intonation, and the communicative processes
more » ... hat constitute verbal fluency. It is concluded that it is necessary to take into account some considerations regarding the use of YouTube videos in order to generate self-confidence and autonomy in English language learners. The objective of this article is to discuss the restrictions suffered by Spanish-speaking immigrants in the American context due to their lack of English language proficiency. A reflection on the role of language proficiency is presented, establishing as an alternative the use of YouTube videos that allow them to improve their knowledge of this language, strengthening their autonomy and motivation to improve their English language proficiency in a self-directed way It is concluded that it is necessary to take into account some guidelines regarding the use of videos found on YouTube to improve pronunciation and intonation, thus avoiding the unintelligibility of the speech.
doi:10.36260/rbr.v10i13.1751 fatcat:25nqzsgtu5hwtjwezncdm3rxpm