Optical Absorption Spectra of the Pulse Irradiated Oxide Glasses (Part 5)
パルス電子線照射した酸化物ガラスの吸収スペクトル (第5報)

Takashi MAEKAWA, Hiroyuki INANO, Toshio YOKOKAWA, Sadashi SAWAMURA, Masatoshi KITAICHI, Meiseki KATAYAMA
1987 Journal of the Ceramic Association Japan  
Pulse radiolysis was applied to the lithium-, sodium-and potassium-silicate glasses. The obtained spectra in micro and milli second ranges were the same as those observed by steady state X-ray irradiation at cryogenic temperature . The peak energies increased with a decrease in the radius of alkali ion. The lifetimes of these transient components were relatively long. In one second after irradiation the spectra of lithium and sodium silicate glasses resemble those by X-ray irradiation at room
more » ... mperature, while the additional absorption due to trapped electrons located on the potassium ion remained in the same time range. The absorption due to the transient components in the sodium silicate glasses decreased with increasing temperature as well as by doping an electron scavenger such as Cd (II) ion. The emission due to recombination of the electron centers with some hole centers was reduced by the presence of Cd (II) ion. [Received May 21, 1986]
doi:10.2109/jcersj1950.95.1099_287 fatcat:g5wvhevaqfadrhk2acuee5tg4e