Modeling for the Development of Leaf Primordia in Tea Plants (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. KUNTZE) (1) : Predicting the Development of Leaf Primordia with a Model Based on Shoot Length and Leaf Expansion after Skiffing
チャ(Camellia sinensis (L.) O. KUNTZE)幼葉発達モデルの開発(第1報) : 整枝,摘採時期を起点とする側芽長,開葉数の推移と幼葉数との関係

Hide OMAE, Yoshiyuki TAKEDA, Yusuke SAKATA
Journal of the Japanese Society of Agricultural Technology Management  
The growth process of Iea「 primordia and its 厂elation to lcaf expansion and bud ( shoot )leng【 h in tea ( Carne〃ia sinensis ' var . sinensis )throughout 【 11e whole season is unknown , This study investigated changes irl bud ( shoot ) length , lcaf cxpan − sion and their relati { 〕n to the deveiopmenI of leaF primordia 〔 }vcr one − year year period( from October 1999100ctober 2000 ) in maturc lea planIs 卩 Yabukita 「 ( var . sinensis ) . It was clarificd that the number of leaf primordia wus
more » ... n by two bgarithmic [ IL = a + b* h 〔 BL ) − EL ( IL:number oi − ] ettf ' primordia, BL : bud ( shoot ) length , EL : number ' 〕f expanded leaves , a , b:parameter ( a = 9, 313, b = 2. 〔 } 76 at 【 he early ril ・ st crop . a = 7. 850, b = 1. 403 at the al 】crops except the first crop )}and one linear regression model { IL= a + b* BL − EL ( u ニ 9. 680, b= 0. 255 at the latter first cr 〔 , p) } at a ] 1 stages during the ycar , It seems that the leaf expansion and banjhi stages are determined by the limited number of lear primordia 重 horough the year except for the first crop . Key Words :leaf expansion , leaf primordia . shool length , tea , total leaf number 緒 言
doi:10.20809/seisan.10.1_43 fatcat:iqzs3wwnebay5aloq3mniegei4