End-user centeredness in antiretroviral therapy services in Nigerian public health facilities

RJ Chiegil, LI Zungu, K Jooste
2014 South African Family Practice  
Objective: To describe the perception of end users with regard to end-user centeredness in antiretroviral therapy (ART) service provision in Nigerian public health facilities. Design: A qualitative design was followed. Subjects and setting: Unstructured focus group discussions were conducted with end users (n = 64) in six locations across the six different geopolitical zones of Nigeria. Outcome measures: Data were analysed using the framework approach and Weft QDA ® version 1.0.1. qualitative
more » ... ta analysis software. Results: The results focused on end users' participation in their care, ranging from understanding their diagnosis, choosing from available treatment options and places, and caring for their colleagues and themselves. Conclusion: End-user focused ART service provision positions end users to play key roles in decision-making with regard to their care. The findings of this study will be useful for nurses and other healthcare workers when promoting end-user centeredness in ART service provision. Peer reviewed.
doi:10.1080/20786204.2014.10855352 fatcat:5eglqicqy5aqxj7uqge4jzo5vm