Correlation between Driverʹs Unsafe Acts and Personality Types
운전자의 불안전한 행위와 성격유형과의 상호관계에 관한 연구

2006 Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea  
The goal of this study is to find out correlation between Driver's Unsafe acts(errors and violations) and Personality types. The experiment was performed on 180 subjects, men and women between 20's and 60's having experience in driving for 6 months at least. Personality types of the subjects were classified by MBTI(Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) GS type and Driver's unsafe acts were measured by KDBQ(Korean Driver Behavior Questionnaire) based on Reason's DBQ(Driver Behavior Questionnaire). The
more » ... ult of experiment showed several facts about the relation. The first is that the drivers of P (Perceiving) type commit more violations and slips than drivers of J(Judging) type. The second is that in the comparison among attitude indexes(EP, EJ, IP, IJ) the drivers of EP(Extroversions -Perceiving) commit more violations than other type drivers. Finally, only men of P(Perceiving) type commits more violations than men of J(Judging). Based on these facts, it is possible to use Personality types as a device to prevent unsafe acts in various fields for driver selection and accident prevention training classified by Personality types etc.
doi:10.5143/jesk.2006.25.4.137 fatcat:356vauyjancdjp6264feeirske