Effect of replacing maize with a mixture of rumen content and blood meal on the performances of growing rabbits: initial study with mash feed

Togun V.A., Farinu G.O., Ojebiyi O.O., Awotunde A.I.
2010 World Rabbit Science  
A total of 24 cross-bred male weaner rabbits, between 6-8 weeks of age, were fed diets which included a mixture (50:50) of rumen content (RC) and blood meal (BM), containing a crude protein content of 37.6% and crude fi bre content of 9.0%, at 0 (control), 10 and 20% levels. The mixture replaced maize and maize bran in the control diet. The 3 experimental diets were restricted to 100 g daily in mash form for a period of 8 weeks to the individually housed rabbits. The inclusion of RC+BM mixture
more » ... n diet 1 at 10% (RB10) signifi cantly (P<0.05) worsed fi nal live weight, daily feed intake, daily weight gain and feed: gain ratio, while its inclusion at 20% (RB20) only reduced daily feed intake. Weight gain in controls, RB 10 and RB 20 was 483, 273 and 422 g, respectively. Kidney, spleen and lungs, but not the liver, were observed to be signifi cantly (P<0.05) affected by the dietary treatment. Carcass yield followed a similar response pattern as fi nal live weight, since it was a product of the fi nal live weight. However, left thigh muscle components were not affected by the dietary treatments. This preliminary study indicated that more research is necessary to reduce the negative effect on feed intake when RC-BM mixture (50:50 ratio) is included in growing rabbit diets, which was probably due to the presentation form applied.
doi:10.4995/wrs.2009.666 fatcat:bgneuylmcrbctgzohm3fkr3iqu