Tiempo y experiencia para la productividad: dos variables imprescindibles de la administración

Carlos Hernan Pérez Gómez
2007 Universidad y Empresa  
Ever since the North American engineer Frederick Winslow Taylor worried about the enterprise productivity by means of a set of materialized studies of the production with rigorous investigations in you make them, fi nalizing the dieciochesca century and in the dawn of the decimonónica, the best form looked for to make the work with the purpose of improving the quality of life of the people and the growth and enterprise development but considering like fundamental instrument the time, variable
more » ... which is going to work the investigator in exercise of its administrative functions, like one of the fundamental ones of the functions on which it had, it must and it will have act the administrator of all the historical and future moments in terms of inner and collective thought enterprise, since it is based on the time that toils the managers, administrators and industrialists for the sake of improving the company on which it has responsibility to act in use of the functions that are to him own like main protagonist. The article gives the intervention of Professor Reinhart Koselleck, who emphasizes the importance of the time, as a variable, it serves as a contribution to defi ning productivity through effi ciency and effectiveness of both the administrative management of business leaders with participation subjects acting in a business community.
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