Realizing a low-latency virtual reality environment for motor learning

Thomas Waltemate, Felix Hülsmann, Thies Pfeiffer, Stefan Kopp, Mario Botsch
2015 Proceedings of the 21st ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology - VRST '15  
Figure 1 : Real-time feedback using a virtual mirror requires an immersive Virtual Reality environment that provides full-body motion capturing, motion analysis, and realistic character rendering at a low end-to-end latency. Abstract Virtual Reality (VR) has the potential to support motor learning in ways exceeding beyond the possibilities provided by real world environments. New feedback mechanisms can be implemented that support motor learning during the performance of the trainee and
more » ... ds as a performance review. As a consequence, VR environments excel in controlled evaluations, which has been proven in many other application scenarios. However, in the context of motor learning of complex tasks, including full-body movements, questions regarding the main technical parameters of such a system, in particular that of the required maximum latency, have not been addressed in depth. To fill this gap, we propose a set of requirements towards VR systems for motor learning, with a special focus on motion capturing and rendering. We then assess and evaluate state-of-the-art techniques and technologies for motion capturing and rendering, in order to provide data on latencies for different setups. We focus on the end-to-end latency of the overall system, and present an evaluation of an exemplary system that has been developed to meet these requirements.
doi:10.1145/2821592.2821607 dblp:conf/vrst/WaltemateHPKB15 fatcat:rvh26jpwunctrn2pp3uhupvwmq