Liberal Democracy in Context of Pakistan And Bangladesh

Shehnaz Bibi
2021 RMC Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities  
The purpose of this paper is to understand the democracy and the challenges towards liberal democracy. Desk review and thorough document analysis have been used to dig out the challenges for liberal democracy. Politically liberal democracies are contextualized and more flexible, assure the freedom of speech and enable voters for alternatives in case of incapable governments. The central view of liberal democracy is that every citizen must be treated on an equal basis. Pakistan and Bangladesh
more » ... parated from Pakistan in 1971) are the democratic republic countries by constitutional arrangements. The political system of both countries is based upon the elected people and then the elected people generate further policies, rules, laws, and regulations for governing the system in states. Theoretically, both states consist of governments, political parties, and official apparatus of military and civil society organizations. However, historically both countries remained unable to continue the democratic systems due to recurrent involvement and intervention by the military, undemocratic institutions, terrorism and extremism, political disorder, and uncertainty from their inception.
doi:10.46256/rmcjsochum.v2i1.130 fatcat:ooobjymfnbfmrgkdjcmrcr7yie