Electrical, magnetic and spectroscopic properties of tetrathiafulvalene charge transfer compounds with iron, ruthenium, rhodium and iridium halides

Young Inn Kim, William E. Hatfield
The charge transfer compounds (TTF) FeCl3, (TTF)3FeBr3 , (TTF)RuCl3-2H.0, (TTF)RhCl3.H20, and (TTF)IrCl4-CH3OH were prepared from reaction of solutions of TTF (tetrathiafulvalence) and the metal halide. Magnetic susceptibility and spectroscopic (electronic, vibrational, XPS, and EPR) evidence indicate that there is incomplete charge transfer from the TTF donor to iron, and that there is essentially complete charge transfer to ruthenium, rhodium, and iridium. The experimental evidence indicates
more » ... hat two electrons are transferred in the rhodium compound. The electrical conductivities of powdered samples of the iron compounds are five orders of magnitude greater than those of the ruthenium, rhodium, and iridium compounds, being 6-10 S-cm-'at room temperature. All of the compounds exhibit semiconducting behavior which may be described by a mobility model having a temperature dependent preexponential term and relatively small activation energies.
doi:10.17615/03z2-pd19 fatcat:cumqsgcx2jhnbhgxuofbgb7ux4