Correlations of Biomechanical Characteristics with Ball Speed in Penalty Corner Push-In Effect of Aerobic Training on Body Mass Index on Sedentary Obese Women

Mary Reethammal
2017 International Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies   unpublished
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of aerobic training on body mass index on sedentary obese women. 30 obese women were selected randomly and divided into two groups 15 subjects in each group. Group I as experimental group and Group II as control group. The experimental group had been in aerobic training programme five days in a week for a period of a period 8 weeks. The control group did not involve in any fitness programme or training programme. Once in 2 weeks the load was
more » ... creased. The body mass index was selected as variable. The collected data were analyzed by using 't' ratio. From the findings it is quite interesting to know that the sedentary obese women have positive influence upon their body mass index due to the training programme given. The aerobic training helps the subjects to decrease the weight and it helps to increase the heart rate and breathing for a sustained time. The result shows that Aerobic fitness level can improve with or little as 10 minute duration as long as exercise performed often with a total of 5 days a week. Is was concluded that the participation in eight weeks of Aerobic training resulted in improvement in Body Mass Index.