Development of an Aerial Survey System and Numerical Analysis Modeling Software for Unstable Rock Blocks

Fumiaki UEHAN, Shintaro MINOURA
2015 Quarterly Report of RTRI  
The authors have been studying a method for evaluating rock slope stability by applying a non-contact vibration measurement technique. Consideration of the size of the rock block, its shape and conditions supporting it are indispensable for improving the accuracy of the evaluation method. Accordingly, an aerial survey system to observe the shape of the rock block was built. Next, software was developed to automatically generate a three dimensional finite element analysis model from the data
more » ... ected relating to the shape of the block. Finally, a rockfall risk evaluation technique was proposed using the parametrical analysis results of the FE analysis model regarding loads exerted on and conditions supporting the block.
doi:10.2219/rtriqr.56.212 fatcat:vuakfx5llzhpldsrw76jqucslq