The relevance of Te Tiriti o Waitangi in the COVID-19 era

Claire Charters
2020 MAI Journal A New Zealand Journal of Indigenous Scholarship  
In this situation report I highlight how Te Tiriti o Waitangi is relevant to state and Mäori regulation related to the COVID-19 pandemic, suggesting also that it was somewhat ignored by Aotearoa New Zealand's state institutions during the country's initial response. Focusing on the te reo text of Te Tiriti as the constitutionally and legally primary text of the Treaty of Waitangi, I argue, first, that Te Tiriti requires joint Mäori and state regulation over the territories and peoples of
more » ... a New Zealand, including with respect to the COVID-19 pandemic. Second, Te Tiriti requires state government to regulate equitably and, third, it requires state government not to interfere unreasonably with taonga Mäori and our culture. The government needs to do more in its COVID-19 regulatory response to comply with Te Tiriti, and therefore to act constitutionally and with legitimacy.
doi:10.20507/maijournal.2020.9.4.4 fatcat:pfqgeg4upvgmhogeym4uu5tg6e