Perdebatan Kepentingan Kebijakan Digitalisasi Penyiaran di Indonesia (Studi Kasus Perumusan Kebijakan Digitalisasi Penyiaran pada RUU Penyiaran di DPR 2009-2014 dan 2014-2019) [Interest Disputes of Broadcasting Digitalization Policy in Indonesia]

Ahmad Budiman
2020 Jurnal Politica Dinamika Masalah Politik Dalam Negeri dan Hubungan Internasional  
period formulated the policy of broadcasting digitalization in detail, especially with regard to the matter of the Government's obligation to formulate the frequency allocation map in every broadcast area, migration model, ASO in every broadcast area and at the national level, digital dividend, and multiplexing fees. The proposed migration model was the single mux model, but it was opposed by the Legislation Committee of the House (Baleg), which proposed the hybrid mux migration model. Baleg
more » ... ieved that the single mux model would potentially create monopolistic practices. Furthermore, the state-owned TVRI has not been equipped with up-to-date broadcasting infrastructure and high-skilled human resources. Certainty in the frequency allocation map calculation in every broadcasting area, prospective digital dividend, and the prospect of broadcast companies must be the main foundation in determining the most appropriate digital migration model in Indonesia. It is certainly not impossible if Indonesia may even have its own unique migration model. Together, the House and the Government have to discuss and finish the Bill on Broadcasting as soon as possible for broadcasting digitalization to take place, for the benefit of the people and the nation of Indonesia.
doi:10.22212/jp.v11i1.1613 fatcat:exghna4upnhmtcfzoyhwqgh3jm