The Effects of Global Education in the English Language Conversation Classroom

Reza Omidvar, Benjamin Sukumar
2013 English Language Teaching  
Global education is the backbone of balanced teaching. This is also applicable in the second language teaching domain where its application could result in enhancing global awareness and the linguistic competence of learners. It is, however, important to consider the platform of teaching English to speakers of other languages where the participant's content as well as task plays an important role in enhancing the learning curve. With the above as a theoretical background, this study puts global
more » ... issues into practice within the content of a syllabus of English language teaching in an intermediate, multilingual and multi-cultural conversation class at the Institute Of Language Studies (IOLS), India, producing competent students. The effect of integrated global education in teaching English as a second language has been qualitatively evaluated throughout the course of the experiment. Global education issues are investigated, amalgamating the content-based and task-based language teaching methods as offshoots of the communicative approach. At the same time, the learners were also encouraged to think critically. After the instruction of the intended syllabus, participants basically showed a higher degree of awareness of global issues and the ability to analyze problems and apply critical thinking in their environment. They were also more effective and coherent in their class participation than in other classes.
doi:10.5539/elt.v6n7p151 fatcat:nv3b4u5u65aq5dxiunq7b5h3ky