Phase Behavior Impacts of Supercompressible Fluids on Pressure Transient Analyses

Dennis Beliveau, P.S. Fair
1994 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition   unpublished
This paper wae aeleotad for presentation by an SPE Program Cornmktee followhg review of information contained in an abetract submitted by the author(a). Ccmtenta of the paper, M preeented, have not been reviewed by the Sooiety of Patmleum Enginaem and are subject to correction by the author(a). The material, ae pr-nted, doea not nacmaarily reflact any paition of tha eooii of Petroleum Engineers, Ita offioera, or membam. PaPWS v-ted * SpE m@iWfa me *M to Wbli=tion r~~by E~tor~l~mminws of 'ti 'W
more » ... Pe@eum Engineers Permiaalon to copy ie raetMed to an ebakacf of not more than W words. Illuatrationa may not be copied. The atmtmcf should contain conapiououa acknowledgment of whwa and by whom the paper ia presented. Write Librerian, SPE, P.~. W S32S2S, R&KWeC!!, ?X ?5M24S36, U.S.A. Telex, 1SS245 SPEUT. I. ABSTRACT Use of the real gas pseudopressure allows most gas well tests to be analyzed using techniques developed for the ideal slightly-compressible fluid problem. However, at near-critical conditions (ie. Tr < 1.1), fluids show dramatic changes in density, viscosity, and isothermal compressibility. The pressure transient behavior of these fluids is not duplicated by the pseudopressure approximation: this requires solution of the nonlinear problem.
doi:10.2118/28423-ms fatcat:jtoakiea3rbqvjz7hzs4warffy