Impact of JDI and Personality Traits on Job Satisfaction

Zeeshan Arshad
2014 IOSR Journal of Business and Management  
The study concludes that both personality traits and JDI are ingredients of job satisfaction. These have implication for human resource manager in performing his/her tradition Human resource functions. We believe that personality traits must be considered in recruitment and selection procedures. Getting right person for the right job can be ensured by taking in to account the person's personality. Further for retention we propose that JDI can give help to human resource manager in retaining
more » ... force. By making job challenging and exciting, ensuring justice in pay and promotion and by establishing mentoring programs, we believe that an employee will be retained in organization.
doi:10.9790/487x-16119197 fatcat:ooeaqol7n5b43lfzbwovr7u37i