Design and Development of Speed Controller for Drowsy Drivers

2013 IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering  
A Real-Time accident prevention system has been proposed in which the drowsy condition of the driver can be detected and Speed Controlling will be performed for each condition automatically. There are different ways to detect drowsiness one of them are using camera that points directly towards the driver's face and monitors the driver's eyes in order to detect fatigue. We have developed a drowsy driver detection system using Brain Computer Interface ,the system deals with EEG Signal obtained
more » ... m the brain ,when rhythms are plotted on PC we can see the fluctuations of rhythms when subject is falling to drowsy or deep sleep in accordance with a appropriate voltage under normal condition and drowsy condition are read on software application, using these voltage under two states we have developed a alert system and speed controlling for drowsy driver .However, the current BCI system is developed to detect the drowsiness ,cognitive state and when drowsy state occurs a warning tone is employed to alert him from the drowsy state, in some cases when driver don't respond to the warning tone, the speed of vehicle rapidly reduced and finally the vehicle will be stopped.
doi:10.9790/2834-0820105 fatcat:gitqexgos5hpdk2bza746gjb5m