Profile of physiotherapy intervention for Down syndrome children

Késia Damascena Winter de Morais, Geraldo Antonio Fiamenghi-Jr, Denise Campos, Silvana Maria Blascovi-Assis
2016 Fisioterapia em Movimento  
Introduction: Down Syndrome (DS) is a genetic disorder that causes global delay in development, including motor function, language and cognitive. Physiotherapy is offered from birth in order to stimulate the acquisition of motor skills. Early intervention presents most benefits, as neural plasticity is at its peak in the first months of life. Objective: This study aimed to investigate the profile of physiotherapy intervention for children with DS during their first three years in specialized
more » ... titutions. Methods: Data for this qualitative study were collected through semi-structured interviews, with 11 physiotherapists who worked in São Paulo coastal and metropolitan areas. Results: Results indicate that, although most professionals use the internet as a means to being up-to-date, and doing specialized courses, not always in pediatric neurology, they felt safe to work in the area shortly after graduation, using the principles of Bobath Concept, characterized by 30-minute therapies, with a frequency of once to twice per week to guide treatment. Conclusion: Data should serve as a basis for parents' reflections, who must seek to know the experience of therapists who attend to their children, as well as institutions to encourage professionals to update their knowledge and search for appropriate expertise, in order to optimize therapy.
doi:10.1590/1980-5918.029.004.ao05 fatcat:bxufon44pvbxzpva3cavkjzpfe