過疎市町村における運動による健康づくり活動促進プログラムの構築 : 北海道S町における「健康スポーツマインド形成事業」

上田 知行
Hokusho University and S town in Hokkaido concluded a general partnership agreement in September 2014. The "health and sports mind promotion project" was established to more effectively use an all purpose gymnasium constructed in S town in Hokkaido. The findings of a questionnaire survey for town residents performed by the newly organized S town exercise promotion committee found that the residents who were interested in exercise had a positive image of exercise. In the exercise classes for
more » ... th promotion, many residents participated in the programs that they could easily attend. In addition, the classes that continuously provided exercise were in higher demand than the one-shot classes. Even children who had kept their distance from exercise enjoyed the exercise events and continued coming to the events. The physical strength of the elderly was maintained and improved by continuously holding exercise classes. As a result, a "health and sports mind" was created by such exercise programs, in which the residents could easily participate and realize the effectiveness of the program. It was determined that the number of residents in local communities with a dwindling populations who participated in exercise for health promotion would increase with the assistance of either groups or individuals specialized in exercises for health promotion.
doi:10.24794/00002513 fatcat:j6bjaiiv4bgq5pz2bjtantjjde