Belowground allocation and dynamics of recently fixed plant carbon in a California annual grassland soil [article]

Christina Fossum, Katerina Estera-Molina, Mengting Yuan, Don Herman, Ilexis Chu-Jacoby, Peter Nico, Keith Morrison, Jennifer Pett-Ridge, Mary K Firestone
2021 bioRxiv   pre-print
Plant roots and the organisms that surround them are a primary source for stabilized organic C, particularly in grassland soils, which have a large capacity to store organic carbon belowground. To quantify the flow and fate of plant fixed carbon (C) in a Northern California annual grassland, we tracked plant carbon from a five-day 13CO2 pulse field labeling for the following two years. Soil and plant samples were collected immediately after the pulse labeling, and again at three days, four
more » ... , six months, one year, and two years. Soil organic matter was fractionated using a sodium polytungstate density gradient to separate the free-light fraction (FLF), occluded-light fraction (OLF), and heavy fraction (HF). Using isotope ratio mass spectrometry, we measured 13C enrichment and total C content for plant shoots, roots, soil, soil dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and the FLF, OLF, and HF. The HF was further analyzed by solid state 13C NMR spectroscopy. At the end of the labeling period, the largest amount of 13C was recovered in plant shoots (60%), but a substantial amount (40%) was already found belowground in roots, soil, and soil DOC. Density fractionation of 4-week soil samples (from which living roots were removed) indicated that the highest isotope enrichment was in the mineral-rich heavy fraction, with similar enrichment of the FLF and OLF. At the 6-month sampling, after the dry summer period during which plants senesced and died, the amount of label in the FLF increased such that it was equal to that in the HF. By the 1-year sampling, 13C in the FLF had declined substantially and continued to decline by the 2-year sampling. 13C recovery in the OLF and HF, however, was qualitatively stable between sampling times. By the end of the 2-year experiment, 69% of remaining label was in the HF, 18% in the FLF and 13% in the OLF. While the total 13C content of the HF did not change significantly from the 4-week to the 2-year sample time, 13C NMR spectroscopic analysis of spring HF samples from 2018, 2019, and 2020 suggests that the relative proportion of aliphatic/alkyl functional groups declined in the newly formed SOC over the 2-year period. Simultaneously, aromatic and carbonyl functional groups increased, and the proportion of carbohydrate groups remained relatively constant. In summary, our results indicate that initial associations between minerals and root-derived organic matter are significant and form rapidly; by 4 weeks, a substantial amount (17%) of the total plant-derived 13C had become associated with the heavy fraction (HF) of soil. While the majority of annual C input cycles rapidly (<2-year timescale), a sizeable proportion (~12% of the original inputs) persisted for 2 years.
doi:10.1101/2021.08.23.457405 fatcat:3dukmltbffgghoy4lmtfw4glzi