Developing a e-Learning Courseware for System Engineers Learning Japanese

Akiko TAKAHASHI, Yoshiro OGAWARA, Izumi SAITA, Yasushi INOGUCHI, Hiroshi HORII, Yoshiyuki KAWAZOE
2005 The journal of Japanese Language Education Methods  
:e ・ Learning has become a more important part of leaming Japanese . We have developed a al e − leam血 g courseware package to assist System Engineers ( SE ) to learn Japanese , reflecting the urgent need in Japanese companies for overseas SEs who can comrrlunicate in Japanese . We collected the data ef the real negotiatio 皿 betwe SE and clients , analyzed it , and developed this courseware . Therefore , this courseware package is allthentic and usef 皿 for SE to lea 皿 Japanese usi且 g their owledge of computer 曲 且 s as SE .
doi:10.19022/jlem.12.2_24 fatcat:tuviap253bcotgn4pg76s6vpsu