1.6-Octave Coherent OAM Supercontinuum Generation in As₂S₃ Photonic Crystal Fiber

Wenpu Geng, Changjing Bao, Yuxi Fang, Yingning Wang, Yiqiao Li, Zhi Wang, Yan-Ge Liu, Hao Huang, Yongxiong Ren, Zhongqi Pan, Yang Yue
2020 IEEE Access  
We design and simulate an all-normal dispersion arsenic trisulfide (As2S3) photonic crystal fiber (PCF) with high nonlinearity to enable a flat and coherent orbital angular momentum (OAM) supercontinuum (SC) generation. The photonic crystal fiber features a near-zero and flat negative dispersion with variation between -96.5 and -36.5 ps/(nm•km) over a 940-nm wavelength range from 1740 to 2680 nm. A 1946-nm supercontinuum forms from 959 to 2905 nm at -20 dB level which covers a 1.6octave
more » ... h, by launching a 100-fs 5-kW chirp-free hyperbolic secant pulse with wavelength at 2000 nm into a 1.0-cm designed fiber. The generated supercontinuum of the other two vortex modes (TE01 and TM01) can cover more than two octaves by optimizing the proposed fiber structures. The coherence of the generated supercontinuum of the three modes all shows nearly perfect property over the whole bandwidth. In general, we found that the designed ring-core As2S3 PCF with all-normal dispersion could be used for broadband coherent supercontinuum generation of various vortex modes. INDEX TERMS Optical vortices, photonic crystal fibers, supercontinuum.
doi:10.1109/access.2020.3023133 fatcat:xbyqzslt3nb55kdpztlprrbk5y