9 TED Talks That Anyone Working in convertisseur Should Watch

2022 Zenodo  
There are a few things you need to consider when you embed streaming video on your website. These things include the format, speed, and progressive download. The steps to add the video are simple once you have considered these three important things.™ The format of your video is extremely important. This is because if you want people to be able to view your file then they will need to have a video player on their computer that works with the type of file you have on your website. Currently, the
more » ... best format to use for streaming video online is Flash. This is because people using PCs, Macs and Linux can all view Flash. For example, if you convert your video file to wmv, Mac users won't be able to view it. Also, most computers already have a player installed that can view Flash videos, so users don't have to go looking for a compatible player. Another consideration is speed. People expect a video to play soon after clicking on it. You need to make sure that your video is compressed to as small a file size as possible. For example, a file that is 800MB is far too large to be uploaded to your
doi:10.5281/zenodo.6828384 fatcat:5w3o42fuefdkhd7gzfcv2znu5y