Assessment of open source digital elevation models (SRTM-30, ASTER, ALOS) for erosion processes modeling

I. P. Kovalchuk, K. A. Lukianchuk, V. A. Bogdanets
2019 Journal of Geology Geography and Geoecology  
The relief has a major impact on the landscape's hydrological, geomorphological and biological processes. Many geographic information systems used elevation data as the primary data for analysis, modeling, etc. A digital elevation model (DEM) is a modern representation of the continuous variations of relief over space in digital form. Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) are important source for prediction of soil erosion parameters. The potential of global open source DEMs (SRTM, ASTER, ALOS) and
more » ... eir suitability for using in modeling of erosion processes are assessed in this study. Shumsky district of Ternopil region, which is located in the Western part of Ukraine, is the area of our study. The soils of Shumsky district are adverselyaffected by erosion processes. The analysis was performed on the basis of the characteristics of the hydrological network and relief. The reference DEM was generated from the hypsographic data(contours) on the 1:50000 topographical map series compiled by production units of the Main Department of Geodesy and Cartography under the Council of Ministers. The differences between the reference DEM and open source DEMs (SRTM, ASTER and ALOS) are examined. Methods of visual detection of DEM defects, profiling, correlation, and statistics were used in the comparative analysis. This research included the analysis oferrors that occurred during the generation of DEM. The vertical accuracy of these DEMs, root mean square error (RMSE), absolute and relative errors, maximum deviation, and correlation coefficient have been calculated. Vertical accuracy of DEMs has been assessed using actual heights of the sample points. The analysis shows that SRTM and ALOS DEMs are more reliable and accurate than ASTER GDEM. The results indicate that vertical accuracy of DEMs is 7,02m, 7,12 m, 7,60 mand 8,71 m for ALOS, SRTM 30, SRTM 90 and ASTER DEMs respectively. ASTER GDEM had the highest absolute, relative and root mean square errors, the highest maximum positive and negative deviation, a large difference with reference heights, and the lowest correlation coefficient. Therefore, ASTER GDEM is the least acceptable for studying the intensity and development of erosion processes. The use of global open source DEMs, compared with the vectorization of topographic maps,greatly simplifies and accelerates the modeling of erosion processes and the assessment of the erosion risk in the administrative district.
doi:10.15421/111911 fatcat:qdt65ivapvfwtlevnoy3bx6sda