A Study on the Effectiveness of Written Feedback in Writing Tasks among Upper Secondary School Pupils [post]

Aixa Hafsha
2020 unpublished
This research is a study on the feedback received among upper secondary school pupils on their writing tasks in school. As it is known, English is the second language taught in schools in Malaysia. Among the four skills taught in the English classroom, the writing skill is said to be one of the most difficult skills to be acquired. There are many methods and strategies that have been carried out by teachers and pupils to make acquiring this skill easy. Giving feedback to pupils' writing task
more » ... been one of the methods used to teach writing effectively. However, this skill continues to be the most difficult and the most time consuming skill to be taught and learned. Therefore, a study was carried out among 30 pupils of SMK Abdul Rahman Talib to examine the types of feedback received by secondary school pupils and the perception of pupils towards the feedback they received. Questionnaires were distributed to pupils which consist of four sections. Respondents were required to answer all sections. The data was analysed using SPSS. Based on the data collected, the results clearly showed that the feedback received by pupils helped them improve their writing skills. Thus, this study has proven that giving feedback in writing tasks is essential for pupils and it can make the teaching and learning of the writing skill easier to be carried out. Therefore, teachers have to practice giving written feedback in pupils' writing tasks.
doi:10.31237/osf.io/4yfrv fatcat:nxr3j5rf6nfp7pl2acoshqqrie