A Comparative Study of Machine Learning Algorithms for EEG Signal Classification

Anam Hashmi, Bilal Alam Khan, Omar Farooq
2021 Signal & Image Processing An International Journal  
In this paper, different machine learning algorithms such as Linear Discriminant Analysis, Support vector machine (SVM), Multi-layer perceptron, Random forest, K-nearest neighbour, and Autoencoder with SVM have been compared. This comparison was conducted to seek a robust method that would produce good classification accuracy. To this end, a robust method of classifying raw Electroencephalography (EEG) signals associated with imagined movement of the right hand and relaxation state, namely
more » ... ncoder with SVM has been proposed. The EEG dataset used in this research was created by the University of Tubingen, Germany. The best classification accuracy achieved was 70.4% with SVM through feature engineering. However, our prosed method of autoencoder in combination with SVM produced a similar accuracy of 65% without using any feature engineering technique. This research shows that this system of classification of motor movements can be used in a Brain-Computer Interface system (BCI) to mentally control a robotic device or an exoskeleton.
doi:10.5121/sipij.2021.12603 fatcat:hcexzin36jb67c57puya2ot5y4