Photoactive Ag(I)-Based Coordination Polymer as a Potential Semiconductor for Photocatalytic Water Splitting and Environmental Remediation: Experimental and Theoretical Approach [component]

Metal organic frameworks (MOFs) or Metal coordination polymers (CPs) with controlled structure on the micro/nano-scale have attracted intense interest for potential applications in a wide variety of fields, such as energy storage and conversion, chemical and biological sensing, and catalysis. Here, we report a new class of photocatalytic material, Ag(I) based nano-micro structured coordination polymer (Ag(I)-CP), which offer performance at a level competitive with known semiconductors in
more » ... talytic water oxidation and oxidation of organic compounds, such as dye/ organic pollutants present in contaminated water. The coordination polymer was synthesized by a wet-chemical route and has been characterized using powder X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and electron microscopy. The
doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b04957.s001 fatcat:5dt76ak6ojbodhhqgmlxhtgl5a