Life Cycle Assessment of Emerging Technologies for Regional Implementation

DOU Yi, HEIHO Aya, SUWA Izuru, KANEMATSU Yuichiro, KIKUCHI Yasunori
2021 Journal of Life Cycle Assessment Japan  
Synopsis: Earlier introduction and diffusion of emerging technologies is quite necessary for achieving decarbonization target by 2050. However, many emerging technologies are still in development, while the actual decarbonization effects from implementing the technologies in the future are also uncertain. For designing an appropriate roadmap of these technologies with lower uncertainties, it is crucial to conduct earlier strategic assessment on the economic and environmental impacts before the
more » ... ormal regional implementation, considering the factors such as technology readiness, model change, and scale-up. Recently, more and more studies begin to apply prospective life cycle assessment (prospective LCA) as a tool for evaluating the future potential impacts from implementing the emerging technologies. This article conducts a literature review on the previous studies using prospective LCA, aims at a summary on the content and challenges in applying prospective LCA as well as providing a specific perspective from regional implementation to improve the prospective LCA.
doi:10.3370/lca.17.167 fatcat:whleqnnhjnf2la4u6qgyutkoa4