Transcendental Resistance [book]

Johannes Voelz
2010 unpublished
The emergence of Transnational American Studies in the wake of the Cold War marks the most signifi cant reconfi guration of American Studies since its inception. The shock waves generated by a newly globalized world order demanded an understanding of America's embeddedness within global and local processes rather than scholarly reaffi rmations of its splendid isolation. The series Re-Mapping the Transnational seeks to foster the crossnational dialogues needed to sustain the vitality of this
more » ... gent fi eld. To advance a truly comparativist understanding of this scholarly endeavor, Dartmouth College Press welcomes monographs from scholars both inside and outside the United States. For a complete list of books available in this series, see
doi:10.1349/ddlp.1481 fatcat:6ylqf2ztvvetddm2lyhii5g2yi