A retrospective study of pediatrics burns at general hospital in rural India

Sanjot Kurane, Subodh Ugane
2014 International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health  
Pediatrics Burns are major preventable cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, particularly in developing countries. Aims & Objectives: The aim of this study is to perform a retrospective analysis of the epidemiology of burns observed in children below 12 years of age in rural India. Materials and Methods: In this study, patients were studied retrospectively with regard to their age, sex, cause of burns, and length of hospital stay, burned body surface area and mortality. Statistical
more » ... s used: Chi-square test using SOFA software. Results: A total of 84 patients were admitted in burn care unit, out of which, 52 were male and 32 were female. The most common causes of burns, in patients treated on an inpatient basis, were scald burns (69.04%). The mean total body surface area burnt of the patients was 20 %. TBSA >30 % was significant risk factor for mortality in children. The average hospital stay was 10-12 days. Mortality was 9.52%. Conclusion: Burn injury is a major health concern in children, and special consideration to be given in prevention of burn injury.
doi:10.5455/ijmsph.2014.100720143 fatcat:e5kvsjfibzekvf5d3xaivvt7oi