Synthesis of liquid crystals derived from oxadiazole, isoxazole and tetrazole heterocycles

2009 ARKIVOC  
The synthesis is described of new liquid crystalline heteroaromatic compounds containing the five-membered isoxazole, tetrazole and 1,2,4-oxadiazole rings. Two liquid crystalline series including five-membered heterocycles were synthesized. The compounds with the mesogenic units tetrazole and isoxazole (Series I) showed nematic and smectic C phases, while the compounds with the units tetrazole and 1,2,4-oxadiazole (Series II) presented nematic (N), smectic C (Sm C ), and smectic A (Sm A )
more » ... ases. The transition temperatures and textures of the mesophases determined were characterized using polarized optical microscopy.
doi:10.3998/ark.5550190.0009.h14 fatcat:32tokpjty5fu5lahbjeklppzfa