Study on Cultural Connotation of Ceramic Art in Public Environment

Changzong Shao
2017 Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Education, Language, Art and Intercultural Communication (ICELAIC 2017)   unpublished
Going with the time, the people have had higher requirements for public environment in cities, and the needs of cultural and art are increasing as well. Guided by current reality awareness, ceramic art has changed and broken through secularization in aesthetics, stressing the expression of contemporary reality awareness on the background of time. Ceramic artists value the actual needs of the society, and its innovation going with the time is integrated to the awareness of the time, besides, the
more » ... ceramic art in public environment have deep cultural deposits and connotations.
doi:10.2991/icelaic-17.2017.102 fatcat:5lhsgganizedbai4hzcvhfd3ny