Vnímání příjmových nerovností a preference ohledně rozdělení příjmů v České republice

Ivan Petrúšek
2018 Politicka Ekonomie  
A representative survey of adult population is used to analyse perceptions of existing income inequality and preferences for ideal income distribution in the Czech Republic. On average, Czechs view the distribution of disposable income as more unequal than it actually is. This biased perception results from underestimating total income shares belonging to bottom quintiles and overestimating the total income share belonging to the top income quintile. Whereas the majority of Czechs prefer some
more » ... vel of income stratification, there are about four tenths of people who would prefer to live in a completely equal society. These are primarily older, less educated and lower income people whose preferences formulated under uncertainty are mostly consistent withthe maximin principle and inequality aversion. Almost a fifth of Czechs would prefer an income distribution consistent with efficiency concerns.
doi:10.18267/j.polek.1209 fatcat:qra6czla7rcu3he5tjum6d4mem