The Vertical Proximally Based Turn Over Gingivolabial Myomucosal Flap for Closure of Anterior Palatal Fistula

2020 The Egyptian Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery  
Palatal fistula is the most common complication following cleft palate repair. Plenty of reconstructive procedures have been described for repair of these fistulas. This study describes a reliable technique of vertical proximally based turn over gingivolabial myomucosal flap for closure of anterior palatal fistulas. Methods: Thirty four patients presented with large sizes anterior palatal fistulas underwent closure using vertical proximally based turn over gingivolabial myomucosal flaps. The
more » ... cedure is a single stage with nasal layer closure while oral layer left for re epithelialization. Results: All flaps completely survived. Two out of 34 flaps (5.8%) suffered distal necrosis which improved after debridement and secondary suturing but no other complications. All fistulas were completely healed without any evidence of recurrence during a mean follow-up period of 18 months. Conclusion: The vertical proximally based turn over gingivolabial myomucosal flap is a simple single stage technique. The flap is a reliable good option for closure of anterior fistula in presenting age groups without donor site morbidity. It is suited for most anterior located palatal fistulas and medium sized ones.
doi:10.21608/ejprs.2020.88879 fatcat:tpx3rx5gzzclzocrssshslcvou