Verbal and Non-Verbal Expression in Javanese Language of the Coastal Community in Banjar Kemuning Village, Sidoarjo

Umar Chafidhi, Wakit Abdullah Rais, Dwi Purnanto
2019 International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding  
This study reveals all Javanese language categories and expressions of the coastal community of Banjar Kemuning village, Sidoarjo district through the perspective of ethnolinguistic studies. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection used participatory observation and interview techniques that were collaborated with the recording and recording techniques. This research uses ethnographic methods with the analysis model that is the ethnoscience model. The results of this
more » ... dy indicate that through the mindset and knowledge system of society especially the coastal community of Banjar Kemuning village, it has been found all kinds of Javanese language categories and expressions in their speech expressions in the form of a way of life in terms of livelihoods as fishermen and pond farmers, the names of fishing tools and pond farmers, the names of sea products, a set of terms of offerings and various rituals, mantra or prayers as well as local wisdom of the village community hidden behind verbal and non verbal expressions.
doi:10.18415/ijmmu.v6i6.1199 fatcat:bfk2n6275jdbdl7323t5la76by