The OHS management system in the "small-sized" production company

Dorota Klimecka-Tatar, Marta Niciejewska
2016 Production Engineering Archives  
In the article the problem with systemic management of safety in the smallest production entities has been shown. The effect of health and safety management system and the benefits resulting from it for the most numerous economic entities in Poland -microenterprises have been discussed. Moreover, the results of questionnaire examination conducted in several Polish production companies have been presented. Surveys were completed in companies in which the number of employees does not exceed 49
more » ... ple (micro enterprise -from 1 to 9 employees and small enterprises -from 10 to 49 employees).
doi:10.30657/pea.2016.13.11 fatcat:xdu6otm3nfddrazrajpa36xvlu