Improving silicon nitride ring resonator performances on 300 mm industrial environment for point of care applications (Conference Presentation)

Michele Calvo, Guillaume Beaudin, Laurence Mercier-Coderre, Pauline Girault, Pedro Rojo-Romeo, Regis Orobtchouk, Romain Stricher, Stephane Monfray, Serge Ecoffey, Dominique Drouin, Frederic Boeuf, Michael Canva (+5 others)
2020 Biophotonics in Point-of-Care  
Point-of-care tests (POCT) are important for detecting illnesses and monitoring patients without the need of a medical laboratory. To be useful, POCT must be sensitive, specific, integrated, and affordable. Since the early 2000s, integrated photonics have offered a possible solution for this problem. In particular, silicon micro-ring resonators represent a compact and sensitive choice known in the industry. This paper details the design, fabrication, and characterization of two methods for
more » ... ving the performance of ring resonators by engineering their cross section. More precisely, improving devices made out of silicon nitride in an industrial environment to work in the infrared (around 1.31 µm).
doi:10.1117/12.2555339 fatcat:fijaorrcdbd3da3obgbwu66cwm