Calculation of pulse propagation in coaxial cables with multi-layered insulation system

R. Jobava, D. Pommerenke, R. Heinrich, W. Kalkner, A. Gheonjian
2000 DIPED - 2000. Proceedings of 5th International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (IEEE Cat. No.00TH8508)  
Coaxial cables with an insulation system consisting of several layers with different parameters (i.e. semiconductor, dielectric, semiconductor) are widely used in power distribution networks. While the main purpose of these cables is power delivery at 50 or 60 Hz, they can cany high frequency signals too, e.g. data transmission, partial discharges [I-31 or coupled noise and switching impulses [3]. In such cables the
doi:10.1109/diped.2000.889998 fatcat:fejdyq7rbbblzkl45k33bcfasa