Constructing knowledge networks in middle school classrooms: an integrated approach

T. Larkin-Hein, S.E. Irvine, A.I. Prejean, M.A. Lesiak
31st Annual Frontiers in Education Conference. Impact on Engineering and Science Education. Conference Proceedings (Cat. No.01CH37193)  
Providing opportunities for K -12 educators to further their use and understanding of current technologies in the classroom has never been more important than it is at present. This paper will explore ways that university faculty members can provide K -12 educators with relevant information and hands-on experiences to develop and enhance their use of technology in the science classroom.. An interactive workshop for 15 middle school science teachers provided an opportunity for participating
more » ... ers to experience constructivist teaching and learning strategies first-hand. Throughout the workshop, teams of teachers worked to prepare an integrated, technology-based lesson using materials from science, mathematics, as well as the language arts. Highlights of the curriculum developed for the workshop will be presented. Results of a questionnaire given to the teachers will also be shared.
doi:10.1109/fie.2001.963653 fatcat:enqvizwahrg7tgwmfdplbpds7y