Common Knowledge: Orchestrating Synchronously Blended F2F Discourse in the Elementary Classroom

Cresencia Fong, Rebecca Cober, Cheryl Ann Madeira, Richard Messina, Julia Murray, Ben Peebles, James D. Slotta
2013 International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning  
This study reports on the continued development of Common Knowledge (CK)a pedagogical and technological innovation that supports knowledge building blended discourse. Students use handheld tablets to contribute notes to a community knowledge base, which is publicly displayed on the classroom's interactive whiteboard (IWB). This aggregate display provides students with a powerful visualization of the community's idea flow. The IWB display further provides teachers with "at-a-glance" formative
more » ... essment of students' thinking and supports spontaneous adjustments to their orchestration of inquiry activities and blended discourse. This paper presents a study of how CK supports student and teacher discourse in inquiry science.
dblp:conf/cscl/FongCMMMPS13 fatcat:sfajniut5fcpvcjcrs3xie74ua