Pauls Theology of Mission and Missionary Methods

David Thang Moe
2017 Missionalia: Southern African Journal of Missiology  
This article explores themes and methodologies in Pauline missiology for a contemporary world. Themes include Paul's missiological concepts of conversion, redemption, sacraments, participation and methodologies include Paul's contextual and evangelistic concepts of cruciformed participation in God's apocalyptic mission. The purpose of this article is not merely to relate Paul's missiology and missionary methodologies as the kind of theory and practice to the extent that his missionary
more » ... ies flow from his missiological theories, rather to the extent that his missiology and methodologies are indivisibly one or what Arland Hultgren calls "missionary theology" (Hultgren, 1983: 145). Seen in this way, the article begins where Paul himself began-with the Damascus event of his conversion to Christ and call of God's apocalyptic mission-and argues that his conversion and call are the foundations of his missiology.
doi:10.7832/45-2-161 fatcat:mnirg5yt7bg4tndegr76yma4ou