Clinical and radiological observation in biliary ascariasis

PJ Lee, DH Kim
1977 Journal of the Korean Radiological Society  
The results were summarized as foIIows: 1. The sex distribution of total cases was 57 cases (82.7%) in female and 12 cases (17.4%) in male, ie. , the sex ratio 1 : 4.7 (M: F) . The predominant age incidence was 3rd and 4th decades as 37 cases (53.7%). 2. Important clinical symptoms and signs were severe epigastric pain which tend to other part's of the body, nausea, vomiting, RUQ epigastic tenderness._ :an-d jaundice, but symptoms and signs were not differentiated that occurs in cholelithiasis
more » ... nd cholecystitis. 3. The Iiver function tests appeared to be slightly abnormal, due to the obstruction of j;'he biliary tracts, such as increased total serum bilirubin and elavated Alkaline phosphatase. 4. Stool examination was done in aII of the cases by direct smear method. Ascaris ova was positive ill 54 cases (74%). (38) of choledochoascariasis, 11 cases were confirmed by 1. V. C. 6. 1. V. cholangiograms showed cord-like f ilI ing defect within the commom bile duct in 11 cases (44%) out of 25 patients performed, and additional findings . were dilated common bile duct over l1 mm and loss of normal tapering of distal portion of CBD. 7. Postoperative findings revealed as 23 cases (33%) of choledochoascariasis without other disease, 23 cases (33%) combined with cholelithiasis, 18 cases (26%) with cho!n:ystiti3 and cholangitis, and 4 cases (5.8%) with empyema of gall-bladder. Preoperative clinical diagnosis of 69 cases was suspected as 26 cases
doi:10.3348/jkrs.1977.13.2.401 fatcat:u6afhxnjozbpthore4kfj3yfhe