Folklore And Dialect In "And Quiet Flows The Don" By M. Sholokhov

Marina Zhurina
2020 unpublished
The paper describes a comprehensive study of folklore and dialect of the epic novel And Quiet Flows the Don by M. A. Sholokhov based on a combination of linguistic and folkloristic approaches regarding the study of folklore inclusions, their linguistic, genre and style specific nature in particular piece of writing. The author's appeal to folk demonology can be traced in the transmission of human rumors about a Turkish woman, a comic story about the search for treasure of Christonya the
more » ... ic identity of which is determined by dialect vocabulary. Military spell, called prayers in the novel And Quiet Flows the Don, demonstrate a mixture of Christian beliefs and folklore, fulfil a sacred protective function, and embody the desire to be invulnerable in the face of danger. Dialecticisms in their poetic structure create a local flavor, emphasizing the local nature of the novel, the prevalence among the Don Cossacks. A song folklore, reflecting dialectical features at the phonetic, lexical, word-formation levels, performs various functions in the Sholokhov epic novel i.e. portends future events of the plot, responds to changes in the fate of the people, expresses moods and feelings, unites heroes, affirms and preserves eternal values. Poetic symbolism of the folk lyrics is created with the help of dialectisms. The moral world of Russian folklore, in its linguistic identity, refracted in the author's consciousness of the writer, determined the features of the image of the people's fate at a turning point in history.
doi:10.15405/epsbs.2020.10.05.363 fatcat:7tfodr752fduxj7nvumnvbpn5u