Zur Biographie über Franciscus de Paula Triesnecker anlässlich der 250-Jahrfeier der Wiener Sternwarte

H. Kastner-Masilko
2009 Communications in Asteroseismology  
Hell's successor as second director of Vienna's University Observatory was Triesnecker, who after the abolishment of the Jesuit order in Austria 1773, had undergone scientific and theoretical training in Vienna and Graz. As coeditor of the "Ephemerides Astronomicae" he kept this publication running until 1809, where due to financial problems it had to be shut down. It contained not only planetary positions but also somehow was forerunner of a scientific journal, as observational sets from
more » ... ünster and other ex-Jesuits observatories were included. His main research field was centered on astrogeodetic surveying.
doi:10.1553/cia149s31 fatcat:rhstfhvmtjdufj3hbuxozzta4a