First observation of 14F

V.Z. Goldberg, B.T. Roeder, G.V. Rogachev, G.G. Chubarian, E.D. Johnson, C. Fu, A.A. Alharbi, M.L. Avila, A. Banu, M. McCleskey, J.P. Mitchell, E. Simmons (+3 others)
2010 Physics Letters B  
We measured the excitation function for 13 O + p elastic scattering to obtain data on the unknown 14 F nucleus. The ground state and several low-lying excited states in 14 F were observed and spin/parity assignments were made. 14 F appears to be much less unstable than was predicted. We compare theoretical predictions for the 14 F level scheme with the experimental results.
doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2010.07.054 fatcat:5u7zqtqqsfdsliom6fzpxwhhzi